≪川越テーブルデザイン教室coeur a coeur≫フラワーアレンジメント&テーブルコーディネートレッスン・お花代込2つのレッスンを同時に楽しめて最後はお茶付きでのんびりと1名様

≪川越テーブルデザイン教室coeur a coeur≫フラワーアレンジメント&テーブルコーディネートレッスン・お花代込2つのレッスンを同時に楽しめて最後はお茶付きでのんびりと1名様

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川越テーブルデザイン教室coeur a coeur(クーラクー)について





川越テーブルデザイン教室coeur a coeur主宰







店舗名  : 川越テーブルデザイン教室coeur a coeur(クーラクー)

体験形式 : 来店

所要時間 : 2時間

所在地  : 川越市今福(自宅サロンのため予約時に詳細住所をお伝えいたします)

アクセス : 川越駅より車で15分

駐車場  : あり

参加条件 : 大人の女性(男性は女性とご一緒の方のみ受講可能)

持ち物  : フラワーアレンジを持ち帰る袋(マチが広めの方が良いです)







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When it is restocked, we will notify you to the registered e-mail address.

Mail Address

Please allow the domains 「thebase.in」&「gmail.com」so that you can receive our e-mail

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When receiving a notification, you may not be able to receive it due to reasons such as the mail server capacity being exceeded. Please confirm it.

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*Earliest delivery date is 2/19(Wed) (may require more days depending on delivery address).

*Tax included.

*Shipping fee is not included.More information

Shipping method / fee

The shipping fee for this item varies by the shipping method. Customers can choose the shipping method at time of purchase.

  • Yu-Pack

    Your delivery status can be checked online.

    Shipping fees vary by region.

    • Hokkaido


    • Tohoku
      Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Akita,
      Yamagata, Fukushima


    • Kanto
      Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gumma, Saitama,
      Chiba, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Yamanashi


    • Shinetsu
      Niigata, Nagano


    • Hokuriku
      Toyama, Ishikawa, Fukui


    • Tokai
      Gifu, Shizuoka, Aichi, Mie


    • Kinki
      Shiga, Kyoto, Osaka, Hyogo,
      Nara, Wakayama


    • Chugoku
      Tottori, Shimane, Okayama, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi


    • Shikoku
      Tokushima, Kagawa, Ehime, Kochi


    • Kyushu
      Fukuoka, Saga, Nagasaki, Kumamoto,
      Oita, Miyazaki, Kagoshima


    • Okinawa


  • クイックポスト※【日時指定不可】


    Shipping Fees are the same all over country inside Japan ¥0

Reviews of this shop

小江戸Present Park
≪川越テーブルデザイン教室coeur a coeur≫フラワーアレンジメント&テーブルコーディネートレッスン・お花代込2つのレッスンを同時に楽しめて最後はお茶付きでのんびりと1名様

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When it is restocked, we will notify you to the registered e-mail address.

Mail Address

Please allow the domains 「thebase.in」&「gmail.com」so that you can receive our e-mail

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I would like to be notified of restocking

Age verification

When it is restocked, we will notify you to the registered e-mail address.

Mail Address

Please allow the domains 「thebase.in」&「gmail.com」so that you can receive our e-mail

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When receiving a notification, you may not be able to receive it due to reasons such as the mail server capacity being exceeded. Please confirm it.

Please allow the domains 「thebase.in」&「gmail.com」so that you can receive our e-mail